Friday, January 18, 2008

Nothingness is a GOOD thing

Two false alarms:

Yesterday a language exam of my
2-year-old son
he's perfectly normal,
Even bouncy and contented!

And today,
on coming home from the grocery,
We smelled rotten eggs,
Called the Gas Company
And waited,
Careful not to turn anything on or off
or open the refrigerator.
The man came from the Gas Company
(A nice guy named John--I always seem to have great relations with folks from the gas company. I swear I just love the gas company. Perhaps it's knowing they could blow us all up that makes them so friendly.)
Checked downstairs and up.
Even poked the ground some.
But the only gas he noted was the
monoxide when I pulled the car out.
I thanked him and apologized,
and he patted me on the back and said it was all right.

It was more than all right.
It was nothing!

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