Thursday, January 17, 2008

How long can u wait?

In five minutes,
Another cigarette
Another drink
Another fix

Five hours?
Five months?
Five years?

Just keep waiting
Feel the waiting
Ah yes, waiting...

And if you die without
Or fixing

You'll have won.
Won't that be nice?


Oceanshaman said...

I couldn't wait . . .

I chose to surrender, and, in so doing, stumbled upon a path where I could truly live without smoking, drinking, or fixing . . .

Hell, if I had to wait until I die to experience such relief, I'd surely return to partying or commit suicide . . .

Check out Chapter 22 of the Tao Te Ching . . . that about sums it up for me . . .

Traveler said...

I love that one: bend and you will remain whole.

Like a reed in a stream.

It reminds me of one of Ginsberg's Reality Sandwiches--Psalm III:

To God: to illuminate all men. Beginning with Skid Road...
Let the straight flower bespeak its purpose in straightness--to seek the light.
Let the crooked flower bespeak it's purpose in crookedness--to seek the light...

I feed on your name like a cockroach on a crumb--this cockroach is holy.

Oceanshaman said...

To wait, or not to wait . . . that is the question . . .

Perhaps both, and neither . . . infinite, and in the twinkling of an eye . . .

Namaste, my friend . . .

Traveler said...

I do also see you as a friend, Oceanshaman. Ever since reading your initial posts, I think about you everyday, and wish you well. "What one man can do..."

Namaste, everyday.